Sunday, September 13, 2009

4months old

I can't believe Cadence is already 4 months old.. time seems to fly by. We had done so many activies. Cadence has gotten her ears pierced, and stated eating rice cereal. We have gone to the lake a bunch of times and Cadence loves to hang out by the fire. Cadence is doing good with her weight now. She weights 13lbs and is 23 inches. The doc says she is growing fine so we don't have to worry about her weight anymore. I asked the doc about taking her to the pool and he said it was ok so that will be our next adventure. Halloween is coming up soon and I can't wait to see Cadence in her costume.

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 moths old

Cadence is 2 moths old now. We have done so much in such a short amount of time. Scott and I have taken Cadence on our first family vacation to echo lake and I flew with Cadence to California to see grandmommy linda and all her aunts and uncles as well as her great grandma and grandpa Burgess. Then we went to Arizona to let her meet her other set of great grandparents and great aunts and uncles and all the cousins. It was a lot of fun. We have celebrated 4th of July at echo lake and took lots of pictures. These two months have gone by so fast I can't belive how much my little angel has grown.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cadence is here!!!

Well for those of you who don't know Cadence was born on may 5th at 11:58 pm. Here is how it happened.... I was having mild contractions all day at work. When I got home I took a warm shower to try and stop them but it didn't really seem to help. They were about 5-8 minutes apart. I called scott and told him to come home as soon as he is done mowing lawns, but I didn't want to get him all excited for no reason so I didn't tell him that I was having contractions. It took him a little longer then I would have liked to get home but when he did my contractions were stronger so I told him to shower and shave and we ate dinner and then headed to the hospital. When I got to the hospital they hooked me up to the machine to moniter my contractions, at first the nurse said it dosn't look like they are really increasing so they will probably send me home. She then wanted to see how dialated I was and when she checked she said I had not progressed and was still 1 1/2 cm since that is what I was at my last Dr. appointment she said she would moniter the contractions for about 15 more minutes. About 5 minutes after she left the room I started to feel like I peed in the bed so I had Scott check.( He was so sweet he told me yeah it kinda looks like it but it is ok it happens to everyone). Then it started to feel even wetter, and wetter. I had Scott check again and then he said ummm "I think your water broke it is really wet." So we called the nurse and sure enough my water broke. They quickly took me to the delivery room and on the way in Scott asked if they would be able to tell if the baby is still breach, the nurse said she was glad we asked because they probably wouldn't have checked. After they completed the ultrasound it was confirmed Cadence was still breach. This is when the contractions started getting extremely painfully and I wanted DRUGS!!! But the nurse let me know that becuse I was going to have a c section they couldn't give me anything yet. The nurse called my doctor and even though he wasn't on call he said he would come in to do the c section. 2 hours later I was taken to the opperating room. At 11:58 Cadence Mae was born, they brought her over to me for a second to see and the she was so beautiful and had so much hair! She weighted 5lbs 5 ounces.

Monday, May 4, 2009

38 weeks!

I am now 38 weeks pregnant and I am ready to for my little girl to come out so we can meet her. I have had a lot of contractions on Friday may 1st but then they stopped. So no baby so far! Soon to be Grandma Linda did tell me that both my sister and I were born when there was a full moon out so I did some research and the next full moon is on May 8th, So hopefully Cadence decides that is the day for her! I also plan on talking to the doctor to find out if Cadence is still breech and if she is I am going to see if we can schedule a c-section and that way we can avoid an emergency c-section.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

37 weeks! Cadence is naughty!

I had my doctors appointment yesterday 4/28 and found out that once again Cadence has turned around and is breech again. I am pretty sure it happened when I was in the doctors office because she felt completly different and then when the doctor went to check me she was in my ribs again. The doctor said he thinks she is breech so we went and did an ultrasound to confirm it and sure enough that naught girl had turned back around. Scott and I have decided to wait and see if she will turn herself again instead of having the doctor trying to turn her due to all the risk involved.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

36 weeks!

So I went to the doctors last week and found out that cadence has turned and is now head down. I also found out that I am 1 1/2cm dialated and 70%effaced. I go for another check up this week so I will know then how much progress I am really making. Scott and I went to our birthing class last weekend and learned a lot of information. I am still all for an epidural but it is nice to know that we have other options if for some reason I can't get one. I will try to take some pictures in the next week or so and keep this updated.

Monday, April 6, 2009

6 more weeks

Cadence Mae Peterson will be here soon! I can't believe how fast it is going now. We finished her room this weekend, and it is so wonderful! My baby shower is this saturday and I can't wait it is going to be so much fun! Getting ready for Cadence has been a lot of work but it will all be worth it. Right now Cadence is breech and we will find out our options on the 16th. It is really scary to think I might have to have a c-section but I fully trust my doctor and will take all the information into consideration before deciding what to do. I will keep everyone updated on what happens. Hopefully Cadence will stop being stuborn and will turn on her own.